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Experience of renal cachexia in end-stage renal disease and the interrelated experience of their carers: a review


Article: Exploring the lived experience of renal cachexia for individuals with end-stage renal disease and the interrelated experience of their carers: study protocol

Renal cachexia often occurs in end-stage renal disease, yet there are few guidelines for clinicians in how to treat and manage this condition. To ensure a patient-centric approach, understanding the experiences of patients with renal cachexia, as well as their carers, will help to implement the most beneficial guidelines possible. This study focuses on assessing quality of life outcomes, including psychological and social factors, in an attempt to raise awareness about the impact of cancer cachexia. This information aims to inform the management of renal cachexia, as well as general holistic care within the field of nephrology.

This review by Blair C et al. aimed to synthesize the lived experiences of renal cachexia in patients suffering with end-stage renal disease, as well as that of their carers.

Key learnings Further research into renal cachexia, as well as other types (for example, cancer cachexia) may benefit from this understanding into the real, lived needs and experiences of patients suffering with cachexia. Accessing this information both from the patient and the carer will aid in informing the most beneficial, holistic approach possible for the management of patients with cachexia.

Reviewed by: Z. Beketova

Authors: Blair C, Shields J, Mullan R, et al.

Published in: PLoS One 2022

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