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Perception of subjective lived experiences of individuals with anorexia-cachexia in patients with advanced lung cancer.

Cancer cachexia (CC) is a frequent and debilitating syndrome in patients with cancer. It has serious implications for patients, extending beyond physical problems into psychological, and social domains.

The objective of our study was to qualitatively understand the experiences related to CC in patients with advanced lung cancer. Patients with advanced lung cancer with anorexia (โ‰ค 37 points on Functional Assessment of Anorexia/Cachexia Treatment-ACS) and weight loss were eligible.

Patients participated in semi-structured interviews prior to study treatment (ย =ย 19). Qualitative analysis was conducted using interpretative phenomenological approach.

Two super-ordinate themes emerged (anorexia and weight loss). Patients reported experiencing distress related to anorexia, weight loss, lack of social eating, worsening function, body image, and eating habits.

The encouragement to eat by the family was often distressing to the patient. The treatment recommendations by their oncologist for anorexia and weight loss was felt inadequate.

Patients felt that the treatment for CC should improve appetite and weight gain as well as their mood and be independent. The findings of the study suggests that anorexia and weight loss results in high levels of distress due to their effects on physical and psychosocial domains.

Further studies are needed to better understand the experience of anorexia and weight loss to develop strategies to effectively treat CC. NCT03637816.

Rony Dev

Palliative Medicine

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

United States


ScienceLeadR Reputation
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