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KLF10: a point of convergence in cancer cachexia.

Cancer-associated cachexia is a wasting syndrome entailing loss in body mass and a shortened life expectancy. There is currently no effective treatment to abrogate this syndrome, which leads to 20-30% of deaths in patients with cancer. While there have been...
๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2024-07-15
๐Ÿ“ฐ Publication: Current Opinion In Supportive And Palliative Care
Read MoreKLF10: a point of convergence in cancer cachexia.

Factors associated with multimodal care practices for cancer cachexia among registered dietitians.

This study aimed to determine factors associated with multimodal care practices for cancer cachexia among registered dietitians (RDs) working in cancer care. A secondary analysis was performed using RDs' data. Data on knowledge, skills, and confidence in multimodal care were...
๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2024-03-06
๐Ÿ“ฐ Publication: Supportive Care In Cancer
Read MoreFactors associated with multimodal care practices for cancer cachexia among registered dietitians.

Fluid retention and weight loss in refractory cancer cachexia.

It is unknown to what extent the fluid retention (FR) status disrupts the detection of weight loss rate (WLR) in adult patients with advanced cancer. This study aimed to determine the association of FR status with WLR. This study was...
๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2024-02-23
๐Ÿ“ฐ Publication: Bmj Supportive & Palliative Care
Read MoreFluid retention and weight loss in refractory cancer cachexia.

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