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Polymorphism (rs1143634) and IL-1ฮฒ Plasma Concentration as Predictors of Nutritional Disorders and Prognostic Factors in Multiple Myeloma Patients.

Multiple myeloma (MM) is a hematological neoplasm of the early precursor of B-cells. The most characteristic symptoms observed during MM include hypocalcemia, anemia, bacterial infections, and renal damage. Nutritional disorders, especially malnutrition, are noted in about 35-71% of MM patients....
๐Ÿ—“๏ธ 2024-03-24
Read MorePolymorphism (rs1143634) and IL-1ฮฒ Plasma Concentration as Predictors of Nutritional Disorders and Prognostic Factors in Multiple Myeloma Patients.

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